Harry Potter is a favorite fandom of mine. So, it only makes sense for me to do a Harry Potter bullet journal theme post, right? I have rounded up some of the best Harry Potter doodles and spreads to draw inspiration from. I plan on doing a Harry Potter theme in my own bullet journal in November. I am currently reading through the Harry Potter books for the first time after seeing the movies several times. I have to say I am loving the books and highly recommend reading them. Harry Potter Doodles & Spreads If you are planning on doing Harry Potter Spreads inRead More →

When you are looking for bullet journal inspiration you need to know the best places to find it. While I’m hoping to build this blog to be a huge source of inspiration for all your bullet journal needs I want to help you find more. Today I am showing you 20 of the best Instagram accounts to follow for bullet journal inspiration. Before we start diving into these bullet journal accounts though I would like to talk briefly about creativity and art. Do not ever compare your art skills to that of another. Art is not something that is comparable because each person will haveRead More →

A huge part of bullet journaling is the lovely doodles that you can put into your journal. What if you lack artist skills? There is hope! I went through Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube and found some of the best of the best in how to bullet journal doodle accounts and videos. While not all the accounts are solely about doodling, all have some pretty awesome guides teaching you how to doodle yourself. Even if you currently do not have any artistic skills at all. Artists are not born with a natural gift to draw. We learned to draw and continued to practice. No matter whatRead More →

If there is one thing bullet journalers love it’s picking, designing, and creating a theme every month for their spreads. Bullet journal themes give you a uniform look throughout the month and are super fun to design. If you need some bullet journal inspiration for your bullet journal setup you’ve come to the right place. It’s not uncommon to go to pick a theme and have your mind go completely blank. This is why I have created a comprehensive list complete with examples to some super popular themes that you can use throughout the year. Coming Up With Bullet Journal Themes I want to discussRead More →
20 Bullet Journal Autumn Theme Ideas

I am married to summer. However, every year I have a love affair with fall. This year I am getting a little more festive with my bullet journal as well. Today I’m sharing some inspirational autumn spreads for bullet journals. [disclosure] I love the smell of pies baking in the oven. The reddish orange color the mountain turns. Cooler nights around a fire pit. These are all things that I adore about Autumn. Your bullet journal will probably become more of an important tool for your everyday use this time of year as well. With school starting, holiday’s coming, and no more lazy summer daysRead More →
Bullet Journal Summer Theme Ideas

It’s time for another Bullet Journal round up. The theme for this post is bullet journal summer spreads. Summer is right around the corner and this means it’s time to put fun bright colors in your bullet journal. On top of bright fun colors it’s also time to start preparing those awesome bucket lists too. These layouts are meant to bring positive vibes and help you to accomplish all of your summer goals. Use bright colors, summer doodles, and be sure to include some summer related habit trackers. Think bright pinks, blues, yellows, and greens. Add in doodles with the sun or flowers. Beach ballsRead More →