One major appeal to bullet journaling is the collections you see floating around Pinterest and Instagram. A bullet journal collection is a place where you organize your lists or projects that fall into a specific category. A collection can be grocery shopping lists, books you have read or want to read, and more. Collections are a great way to keep all your ideas on a certain project in one place and organized. Collections are used for mental health, self care, meal planning, book reading, movie watching, Netflix binging, and anything else that you want to keep track of. How To Use Bullet Journal Collections CollectionsRead More →

Bullet journals are extremely popular right now. If you’ve heard the success stories from people who use bullet journals to plan out their lives, you probably want to know how to start your own. I’m teaching your how to start a bullet journal right here. Bullet journals are extremely personal so your bullet journal will not be like mine or anyone else’s. You will have a completely different set up because your bullet journal will be used for different reasons that are personal to you. I use my bullet journal as a creative outlet, journal, and daily planner to keep me on task. I trackRead More →
Bullet Journal Brain Dumps - How To Set Up A Brain Dump In Your Bullet Journal

If there is one thing I know about bullet journalers it’s that we love anything to do with list making or doing a brain dump. Today I am teaching you what and how to use a brain dump in your bullet journal. What Is A Brain Dump A brain dump is exactly what it sounds like. It is word vomit on a piece of paper so you can get all your tasks, upcoming events, must do’s, and things you want to remember out of your brain. The idea of a brain dump is a way to clear your mind so you can better organize yourRead More →
February 2019 Pink and Grey Setup - Bullet Journal Layout in Pink and Grey Stripes

My bullet journal setup for February is a minimalist but colorful setup. In keeping with Valentine’s day I went ahead and used pink as one of my colors. However, I am not a huge Valentine’s Day fan so I paired it with a grey and left hearts completely out of this theme. It’s not that I dislike the holiday – I just don’t celebrate it. If you do that is awesome and I wish you a very happy day filled with joy and love. For being a short month I have a lot going on. My son’s birthday, our anniversary, and of course all theRead More →

When it comes to bullet journal must haves one of the more popular items on the list of supplies are the Mildliners. That’s why today I am doing a Mildliner review. Do they live up to the hype? Are they worth your money? Well in short, absolutely. I love the colors, the multiple use tips, and that they are easy to store and carry with you. Today I’m going to give you all the highlights on these popular markers so you can decide if they are useful for you and your bullet journal needs. Mildliner Highlighters Mildliner highlighters are a pale highlighter that are aRead More →

Drawing pretty typography and quotes in bullet journals is something most of us will get into at some point. Quotes can be motivating or comforting depending on the quote. Either way it is one of my favorite ways to add a bit of creativity in my journal. Today I want to show you some creative ways you can add quotes to your bullet journal to help motivate you and keep you going. It’s your journal so go with what you like and what will work for you. If you love writing quote pages in your journal you might want to consider getting a second journalRead More →
Minimalist Bullet Journal Cover Page For January - January 2019 Bullet Journal Set up

The beginning of the year is an extra crazy time for me. I have goals to create and plan out, deadlines to create, and loads of planning to do. For January I decided to do a minimalist bullet journal set up to save time on my planning. December and January are ALWAYS crazy months for me. Between loads of December birthdays, Christmas, and New Years I have almost zero time. To make matters worse I am in the process of changing up my mommy blog and dealing with all the things that come with a rebrand. I am all over the place with ideas, plans,Read More →
Bullet Journal New Year Cover Ideas

Bullet journal new year cover pages are a fantastic way to start your bullet journal for the new year. They can represent a hope, be funny, be minimalist or just simply be a starting off point for the year. There are a few reasons why you should have a new year cover but I know what you are actually here for. You want the new year cover inspiration. Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies. Recommended Products Journal Stencils Fine Point Pens Micron Fine Line Set Pens Tombow Fudenosuke Soft And Hard Tip Brush Pen Tombow Brush Pens Washi TapeRead More →

Weekly spreads are one of the more useful spreads to have in your bullet journal. Not only do they help you with planning and staying on track each and every week, weekly spreads are there to give you a snapshot of your weekly to dos. I love weekly spreads because they allow for short snapshots of each day of the week. I can move from one task to the next quickly and even get ahead on work too. How I Use Weekly Spreads Bullet journaling is more than just having a planner available. For me I use daily logs to write down what went onRead More →