For my first actual month doing a full theme in my bullet journal I decided to have a Nightmare Before Christmas bullet journal theme. I love the movie and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It made sense for me to pick and try my hand at this theme. Overall I’m pretty happy with everything about this theme and how it turned out in my bullet journal. It took me a bit of time to figure out how I was going to incorporate the theme and Halloween into each of my spreads but all together it’s pretty awesome. Before we get started here isRead More →

A bullet journal is really a creative whole life planner. It makes sense that you would want to include your budget and money into it. Today we are going to look at bullet journal money tracker ideas to find one that will help you stay on budget and start saving money. Bullet journal money trackers are used to track savings, money goals, debt pay off, spending and monthly bills. Depending on what your money goals are will determine what type of tracker you want to use. Remember, if you are uncomfortable creating a bullet journal money tracker in the bullet journal that goes with youRead More →
Bullet Journal Book Tracker Ideas

If you aren’t already a reader, you will be after taking a look at these upcoming bullet journal book trackers. One of the first things that I wanted to add to my lifestyle was reading more. Creating a book log for your bullet journal will help you to get on track with reading every day. You’ll end up wishing you had more time to read in the day to read more. Additionally, as your bullet journal book tracker gets filled in you will feel a sense of accomplishment. Types of Bullet Journal Book Trackers There are loads of ways you can track books. While rightRead More →
Bullet Journal Sunflower Theme - September 2018 Bullet Journal Layout

We are two days away from September and I have my bullet journal setup for the month complete. It’s nice to have everything planned out so early and I can start filling in all of my monthly plans and updates. Before I fill in everything though I want to share with you my September bullet journal setup. This month I decided to go with fall because I already planned out October and November themes. Additionally, we currently live in central Pennsylvania and the leaves are already starting their changing. This area is absolutely beautiful in the fall as the mountain brightens up with reds, oranges,Read More →
14 Bullet Journal Ideas

I love my bullet journal. Creating spreads for anything I want to track. Using them to keep my mind on task with upcoming projects. These bullet journal ideas can organize just about everything in your life. Now we all love beautiful spreads, however, not all of us have great drawing capabilities. Don’t let this stop you from taking the concepts of the spreads and creating something that will work for you. Your bullet journal should absolutely be catered to your needs. That’s why I love mine so much. I’ve catered mine to help me stay on track with all of my daily, weekly, and monthlyRead More →

Have you tried using bullet journal pages to track money yet? If not you are missing out on a fantastic way to keep track of your savings and spending habits. Tracking what you do with your money is a fantastic way to tighten the belt on frivolous spending. I’m still in love with my bullet journal, though these days it’s acting less like a planner and more like an actual journal. However, I started tracking how much I was spending on certain unnecessary items in an effort to be more aware of our finances. Of course this means I have to share some beautiful spreadsRead More →

It’s halfway through January and you might be feeling the New Year’s motivation slump. It’s only natural by the third week of a new year to start slacking a bit on your new healthy resolutions. I have a great solution for you bullet journal lovers. Try to bullet journal health tracking. I’m sharing 11 of the most creative and fun health trackers I found on Instagram. While I personally have not even started my fitness regimen I am finally feeling up to the challenge as well as gaining some free time. About 6 years ago I practiced Yoga and Pilates. I was in the bestRead More →

Adding a cleaning schedule to your bullet journal is just smart. It’s a great way to stay on top of your cleaning, especially if it’s something you’d rather put off for a day or two. I personally struggle with sticking to a cleaning schedule. I often get so wrapped up in work that by the time I call it quits for the day I’m just too mentally exhausted to cook dinner and clean the house. Keeping a cleaning schedule in my bullet journal allows me to break up my cleaning into small doable chunks. What I love most about keeping a bullet journal cleaning scheduleRead More →