17 Bullet Journal Pages To Track Money

Have you tried using bullet journal pages to track money yet? If not you are missing out on a fantastic way to keep track of your savings and spending habits. Tracking what you do with your money is a fantastic way to tighten the belt on frivolous spending.

I’m still in love with my bullet journal, though these days it’s acting less like a planner and more like an actual journal. However, I started tracking how much I was spending on certain unnecessary items in an effort to be more aware of our finances.

Of course this means I have to share some beautiful spreads with you. A little bit of inspiration so you can choose the bullet journal money tracker that works for your goals.

The spreads I have chosen are based around saving money, tracking spending habits, and reaching savings goals. I recommend picking more than one bullet journal money tracker so you can track both savings and spending.

As part of my goal for the new year I wanted to be better about our finances. Less ordering pizza, more home cooked meals, no more soda, and find more frugal hobbies.

Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies.

Recommended Products

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

Why You Should Use Bullet Journal Pages To Track Money

Instead of constantly checking your savings account balance you have a colorful expression of the amount you have saved. This does more than just keep you on track, it helps to motivate you to keep going for your goal.

As you get closer to your money savings goals you start looking closely at everything you spend money on. You start coming up with more ways to reduce your spending. The bullet journal is always with you keeping you on track.

This is where your spending tracker comes in play. You can start figuring out ways to cut down costs or eliminate spending.

If you have savings goals or you want to track what you spend you can find all sorts of pretty trackers below.

Bullet Journal Pages to Track Money

Envelope Savings Spread

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The envelope savings plan usually means you are putting cash into different envelopes based on what you are saving for, paying for, and what you have extra to spend. But who keeps cash now? This is a great way to track your different savings so you can still keep your money in the bank.

Expense Tracker For Bullet Journal

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A spreadsheet in your bullet journal so you can track exactly where you are spending your money and on what.

Saving in Increments

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In setting goals it’s important to break them down into more manageable steps. This spread does exactly that with your savings so you can celebrate your smaller wins until you get to your big win.

Fill the Jar Savings Spread

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I love this simple but creative spread for saving your money. Again it’s set up in stages so you can celebrate your small wins.

Utility Bills Tracker Bullet Journal

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If you want to track what you are spending in utilities like gas, electric, water, and trash you can lower your total expenses by watching your usage more easily.

Savings and Expenditures Tracker

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Another creative spread with a jar but you can also track how much money goes out each month and be aware of your spending habits.

No Spend Tracker

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Outside of bills and food challenging yourself to a no spend 100 days is a great way to be aware of your spending habits and stop unnecessary spending.

Super Hero Savings Tracker

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With this spread you’re celebrating every single small win till your reach your big goals.

New Home Savings Tracker

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This tracker is necessary for those looking to save up for a new house. You can easily track and celebrate every step you take towards owning a home.

No Spend for A Year

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If you are really up for a no spend challenge this spread sets the bar high by keeping your spending down every single month for a year.

Savings and Debt Tracker

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If your trying to pay off that obnoxious student debt this saving tracker might get you a little closer.

Savings Goals Tracker

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Give yourself a goal of what you are saving for and set up your savings tracker. Track what you spend and see how you can improve your spending habits to get closer to your goal faster.

College Savings Tracker

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For my fellow parents hoping to help their kids with college – or whatever path they decide – in the future start a savings spread.

Goals Tracker

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A simple way to record what your savings goals are and how you can achieve those goals. Every goal needs a plan use this spread to create your savings goal and plans.

Monopoly Savings Tracker

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We all know how competitive Monopoly is, use it to inspire you to reach your savings goals in a game format.

Savings Tracker

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Color in your bricks to reach your goal for your next vacation. This is a great visual to seeing how you can reach your financial goals.

Savings Goals

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Have a few goals, use this spread to track your savings for each of them and make your dream vacations a reality.

Using a bullet journal money tracker you can maximize your savings, track your spending, and reach all of your money goals. Additionally, you get a pretty layout to look at as you fill it in.

Recommended Products

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

Do you track your money in a bullet journal money tracker? Let me know in the comments below. Do you have bullet journal spreads you would like shared? Email them to Crystal@BulletJournalAddict.com and they may be featured on an Instagram post and/or to the blog. Please leave your IG Username so I can tag you in the posts. Follow me on Pinterest for more like this and pin this to your Bullet Journal boards.

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