Getting out of the house and enjoying the world around you is something we all want to do. A seasonal bucket list can help you to do that. We have a few ideas to get you started on your own summer bucket list.    A good place to start is to see what’s going on in your area, whether it is a concert, food festival, a movie in the park or some other activity. Or you might want to plan something a bit bigger, like a road trip of a family vacation.    To make sure you’re able to get everything on your bucket listRead More →
Bullet Journal Cover Page With Quote For January 2020 Coffee Theme

Seeing that it’s the beginning of a new year I found I decided to start it off right with a coffee themed bullet journal spread. I love coffee and can’t start my day without it so I decided to start my year a bit in the same way. This month I plan to slow it down a bit and enjoy more days on the sofa with a cup of coffee and my amazon fire tablet to read. The Amazon Kindle Unlimited plan allows me to read loads of free to read books. Last year, even with a busy schedule I read 17 books using myRead More →

Something I really want to do is try to improve my hand lettering and handwriting as a whole. After years working as a waitress I have managed to complete jack up my handwriting. So starting January 1st I will be posting a word of the day on Instagram. Hand lettering is a fun little hobby but takes quite a bit of practice to get the hang of. I am going to be working with the Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens through the month. This is actually going to do double duty for me because I now get to do a review on these pens. Before weRead More →

A lot of bullet journalers will prefer to use a travelers journal instead of a typical hardcover bullet journal. Today I want to show you why you might do this, what to use, and help you find the perfect cover for your bullet journal. Instead of filling up a journal and then buying a whole new one some bullet journalers opt to use travelers journals. These journals allow you to switch out the inserts and keep one cover. You can also have several different inserts. This would allow to keep yearly trackers and logs in one booklet, collections in another, and then your monthly andRead More →