21 New Bullet Journal Collections

Bullet journal collections and trackers help to keep your bullet journal organized and clear of clutter. They make it easy to remember important things while also helping you to track your progress in a specific goal.

Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies.

Recommended Products

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

What Are Collections

Collections are useful pages holding information that is relevant to you. These can be anything from lists of movies you want to see to books you want to read.

Collections are useful for information you want easy access to, but don’t want to have to remember.

I use collections as a reminder for information I want to remember. These are some of my favorite pages in my bullet journal.

What Are Trackers

Trackers are pages specifically geared towards tracking your progress in a specific goal or tracking anything you want.

For instance, we use trackers for everything from mood to weight loss. You can use a tracker for your savings and more.

I use trackers as a way to achieve a goal or find trigger points in depression or anxiety.

Why To Use Collections and Trackers

Collections and trackers help you to clear your mind of things so that you can be more productive in your everyday tasks. Instead of trying to remember the name of a movie you want to see you can just write it down quickly and move on.

These types of pages help you to save some time in your day and in your tasks. If there is a movie you want to see and know when it comes out you can more easily plan a movie night. The same goes for going through books to read too.

New Bullet Journal Collections

Below are all of my bullet journal collections for my new bullet journal. I pictured these before filling them in because each bullet journal should be personally set up to your own needs.

Future Log

Bullet Journal Future Log

The future log is a great place to record birthday, holidays, and upcoming events to add to your monthly and weekly logs. It’s a necessary spread for bullet journal owners because it allows you to make future plans without needing those spreads created yet.

Vision Board

Vision boards are useful ways to visualize your goals. I like to have a spot to sketch out my end goals and also write out what I want.

Bullet Journal Vision Board

Here’s the thing, it does no good to just visualize your future after you achieve your goals. You also need to breakdown your goals into actionable steps.

Goal Breakdown

Bullet Journal Goal Breakdown

This is why I use a goal breakdown. I can write out the steps I need to take to achieve my goals. I will use this spread as a reminder to what I need to focus on.

My Ideal Day

Bullet Journal Ideal Day Collection

My ideal day is a goal that I hope to have most days. While I don’t expect to have this type of day every single day, I can hope and try to make this schedule work.

Best of Me

Best of me is meant to help remind myself of everything I am good at and love about myself. It’s a great practice for increasing self confidence and focusing on positive aspects of myself.

Bullet Journal Collection - Best of Me and To Improve

To Improve

To improve is an area where I can write down things that I want to improve about myself. This is set as a reminder to work on these things and improve myself.

4 Ways To Improve Your Mood

Bullet Journal Collection - Ways To Improve Mood

This collection is based on an article from The Ladders. https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/neuroscience-4-rituals-happy In this article they give four ways to improve your mood based on neuroscience. I loved the article and thought this would be a great collection to keep handy as a reminder.

Self Care Ideas

Bullet Journal Collection - Self Care Ideas

My self care ideas spread is meant to be filled in with doodles representing self care ideas that are helpful to me. If you need self care ideas for yourself you can check out these 20 Self Care Ideas. https://www.mommythrives.com/self-care-ideas-20-minutes-or-less/

Master Grocery List

Bullet Journal Master Grocery List

Each week of grocery shopping is different but there are always certain staples that are purchased each week. This is where I store those staples so as I am creating my grocery shopping list I can check how much of them I have.

This prevents over purchasing of staples and food waste which saves us money in the long run.

Family Favorite Meals

Bullet Journal Family Favorite Meals

I record any family favorite meals here. As I plan out meals for the week or if I need to find a quick meal to make this list will make preparing it loads faster.

Books To Read and Books Read

Bullet Journal Collections - Books to Read and Books Read

I always hear through social media about great books to read. This spread is a fantastic way for me to remember to check out certain books. It also helps me to record the books I’ve already read so I can recommend them to other people.


Ever see a preview for a movie and forget about it. This prevents that, simple write down the name of the movie and look for it later when you are ready to see it.

Bullet Journal Movies and TV Collections


Stop searching for something to watch on Netflix or Hulu simply by writing down the series you want to watch. Record how many seasons there are available and check them off as you watch them.

Shark Week

Bullet Journal Period Tracker

Alright ladies, with this spread you can record your time of the month. This will help you to be prepared for your period.

Mood Tracker

Bullet Journal Mood Tracker

The mood tracker is a bullet journalers favorite tracker. Figure out triggers based on your recordings in your daily spread. This can help you to manage anxiety, ADD, and depression.

Weight Loss Tracker

As a 5’9’’ curvy woman I’ve always struggled with my weight. I had to watch what I ate or make sure I got plenty of exercise. Last year I gained 80 pounds because I went from working a physical job to sitting at a desk.

Bullet Journal Weight Loss Tracker

After switching to a plant based diet in the middle of January I have lost 40 lbs (as of May.) All this without exercise.

With such great results I decided to start tracking my weight loss so I can get motivated to start exercising and losing more weight.

Exercise Ideas

Paired with the weight loss tracker is the exercise ideas spread. Here I will record different exercise ideas so that I don’t get bored doing the same thing over and over again.

With it I will record the time it takes to do each exercise so I can base which ones I do on the time I have to do them each day.

Bucket List

Bullet Journal Bucket List

Bucket lists are a great way to remember all the things you want to do and all the places you want to visit in your life. Things like expensive family vacations and lifelong dreams should go here.

Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning schedules are great reminders that all daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly chores are finished. Every cleaning schedule is different based on the layout of the house, your schedule, and what’s important to you.

Bullet Journal Cleaning Schedule and When Did I Last

When Did I Last List

This is a great way to remember when you last cleaned or replaced something. This will help you to remember to do things like change your toothbrushes or replace air filters.

Brain Dump

Instead of doing a monthly brain dump like I used to I decided to do one brain dump to use for a couple of months at a time. I like having the spread because when I don’t have it I miss it but there are months when they just don’t get used.

Bullet Journal Brain Dump

Creating a brain dump that gets used for several months or until it’s full allows me to always have one available when needed without wasting paper in my bullet journal.

Bullet Journal Collections

Bullet journal collections and trackers are a great way to remember, track, and keep vital information in your bullet journal. I hope these ideas help you to track and remember everything you need in your bullet journal.

Recommended Products

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

What collection or tracker are you most excited to try? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on Pinterest for more like this and pin this to your favorite bullet journal boards.

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21 Bullet Journal Collections 21 Bullet Journal Collections 21 Bullet Journal Collections

1 Comment

  1. Author

    These are amazing, thank you so much for the inspiration! Exactly what I needed!

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