When you are looking for bullet journal inspiration you need to know the best places to find it. While I’m hoping to build this blog to be a huge source of inspiration for all your bullet journal needs I want to help you find more. Today I am showing you 20 of the best Instagram accounts to follow for bullet journal inspiration. Before we start diving into these bullet journal accounts though I would like to talk briefly about creativity and art. Do not ever compare your art skills to that of another. Art is not something that is comparable because each person will haveRead More →
20 Bullet Journal Autumn Theme Ideas

I am married to summer. However, every year I have a love affair with fall. This year I am getting a little more festive with my bullet journal as well. Today I’m sharing some inspirational autumn spreads for bullet journals. [disclosure] I love the smell of pies baking in the oven. The reddish orange color the mountain turns. Cooler nights around a fire pit. These are all things that I adore about Autumn. Your bullet journal will probably become more of an important tool for your everyday use this time of year as well. With school starting, holiday’s coming, and no more lazy summer daysRead More →

If you are just starting out on your bullet journal journey you may be looking for a few easier designs. The last thing anyone likes doing is putting time into something that they aren’t going to stick to using. I’ve put together a fantastic list of minimalist bullet journal pages to help you get started and get into the habit of using your bullet journal.[disclosure] A minimalist bullet journal spread usually just focuses on the tasks that need to be accomplished. There aren’t fancy colors and the look can usually be accomplished with a ruler and a pen. The most appealing part of having aRead More →
Bullet Journal Summer Theme Ideas

It’s time for another Bullet Journal round up. The theme for this post is bullet journal summer spreads. Summer is right around the corner and this means it’s time to put fun bright colors in your bullet journal. On top of bright fun colors it’s also time to start preparing those awesome bucket lists too. These layouts are meant to bring positive vibes and help you to accomplish all of your summer goals. Use bright colors, summer doodles, and be sure to include some summer related habit trackers. Think bright pinks, blues, yellows, and greens. Add in doodles with the sun or flowers. Beach ballsRead More →
14 Bullet Journal Ideas

I love my bullet journal. Creating spreads for anything I want to track. Using them to keep my mind on task with upcoming projects. These bullet journal ideas can organize just about everything in your life. Now we all love beautiful spreads, however, not all of us have great drawing capabilities. Don’t let this stop you from taking the concepts of the spreads and creating something that will work for you. Your bullet journal should absolutely be catered to your needs. That’s why I love mine so much. I’ve catered mine to help me stay on track with all of my daily, weekly, and monthlyRead More →

Have you tried using bullet journal pages to track money yet? If not you are missing out on a fantastic way to keep track of your savings and spending habits. Tracking what you do with your money is a fantastic way to tighten the belt on frivolous spending. I’m still in love with my bullet journal, though these days it’s acting less like a planner and more like an actual journal. However, I started tracking how much I was spending on certain unnecessary items in an effort to be more aware of our finances. Of course this means I have to share some beautiful spreadsRead More →

It’s halfway through January and you might be feeling the New Year’s motivation slump. It’s only natural by the third week of a new year to start slacking a bit on your new healthy resolutions. I have a great solution for you bullet journal lovers. Try to bullet journal health tracking. I’m sharing 11 of the most creative and fun health trackers I found on Instagram. While I personally have not even started my fitness regimen I am finally feeling up to the challenge as well as gaining some free time. About 6 years ago I practiced Yoga and Pilates. I was in the bestRead More →

Adding a cleaning schedule to your bullet journal is just smart. It’s a great way to stay on top of your cleaning, especially if it’s something you’d rather put off for a day or two. I personally struggle with sticking to a cleaning schedule. I often get so wrapped up in work that by the time I call it quits for the day I’m just too mentally exhausted to cook dinner and clean the house. Keeping a cleaning schedule in my bullet journal allows me to break up my cleaning into small doable chunks. What I love most about keeping a bullet journal cleaning scheduleRead More →