Bullet Journal Summer Bucket List Ideas

Seasonal bucket lists are a fun way to challenge yourself to get out and enjoy the season in your area. Today I’m going to share a few ideas and a few spreads to mimic for your summer bucket list. First you need to see what is going on in your area or see if a bigger plan is in the cards this year. Perhaps you want to take a family vacation or you just take a roadtrip to a nearby major city. Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies. Recommended Products Journal Stencils Fine Point Pens Micron Fine Line SetRead More →
Bullet Journal Brain Dumps - How To Set Up A Brain Dump In Your Bullet Journal

If there is one thing I know about bullet journalers it’s that we love anything to do with list making or doing a brain dump. Today I am teaching you what and how to use a brain dump in your bullet journal. What Is A Brain Dump A brain dump is exactly what it sounds like. It is word vomit on a piece of paper so you can get all your tasks, upcoming events, must do’s, and things you want to remember out of your brain. The idea of a brain dump is a way to clear your mind so you can better organize yourRead More →

Should you start a new bullet journal for the new year? In this post I hope to help you decide if you should start fresh or finish out your current journal in the new year. I’ve been seeing a lot of questions in the bullet journal Facebook groups lately. They are all wondering the same thing. “Should I start fresh with a new journal for the new year?” View this post on Instagram Leave as is, or colour in the flower front right, and the vines that come from it? #bujo #bujoideas #bujo2019 #bulletjournal #year #flower #drawing #doodle A post shared by Sabine Little (@sabine.little)Read More →

Bullet journal ADHD management can help combat forgetfulness, thought overload, and help you stay on top of tasks. Today I’m going to show you how people with ADHD can benefit from using a bullet journal. When you live with ADHD it can be extremely difficult. People will complain about your forgetfulness or random behavior often. Even more than what other people will complain about you will often find yourself beating yourself up for things too. Our lack of ability to stay on task, remember things at the store, remember events or plans, and even just keeping track of our daily chores can often be tooRead More →
Bullet Journal Uses for Planning Christmas and Holiday Events and Plans

The holiday season can be a stressful time for anyone, not this year. This year you are going to do holiday planning in your bullet journal. I’m giving you bullet journal Christmas planning ideas so you can avoid stress and enjoy the holiday. If you want to actually enjoy and take part in holiday traditions, planning out your holidays will help to make that possible. The key is to think start early enough and to keep all of your holiday events and tasks in mind. Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies. Recommended Products Journal Stencils Fine Point Pens MicronRead More →
Bullet Journal Self Care Quote

Self care is extremely important to make sure that your physical and mental wellbeing are kept in good shape. Of course it can be pretty easy to forget to take care of yourself. Today I’m going to show you how to use bullet journal self care ideas to improve your well being. Bullet journal self care spreads will help you to remember and take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself means you can be better equipped to help others. Furthermore, self care helps you to make sure you are in a healthy mental state too. Before we get started here is a list ofRead More →
Bullet Journal Meal Planning Ideas

Since we plan the rest of our lives in our bullet journals why not have a bullet journal meal plan too. Meal planning is taking time to plan out your meals for a week, couple weeks, or a month ahead. It helps with sticking to budgets, grocery shopping, reminding for defrosting, and keeping you on track with a diet. Meal planning is essential for busy people. When life has you running around it’s important to take a little bit of time to plan out what you will eat. I know all too well that when we don’t do meal planning it leads to eating outRead More →
Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker Ideas

Health and fitness trackers for your bullet journal can be used for so much more than just getting into shape. These spreads can help with your overall physical wellness. We are going to take a look at all the different ways you can use your bullet journal for health and fitness. Health is more than just making sure you are working out or eating right. Health is about making sure your body is performing at its peak levels at all time. It’s important to track what’s going on with your body so you can maintain a good level of health. Before we get started hereRead More →
20 Bullet Journal Gratitude Log Ideas

Gratitude logs are an amazing tool for building a positive mindset. If you haven’t yet used a gratitude log or are wondering if you should use one at all, I have all the reasons why you should right here. If you are looking for a way to live in the present, be more positive, and shift your mind away from negativity a gratitude log is the best place to start. There are some pretty powerful reasons to use a gratitude log. Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies. Recommended Products Journal Stencils Fine Point Pens Micron Fine Line Set PensRead More →

Tracking your mood is one of the best ways to get a look at your overall mental health state and then work to correct it if needed. A bullet journal mood tracker gives you a place to do that easily and creatively. Tracking anything that is physically or mentally happening with you could help to identify real issues that need to be resolved. A mood tracker can help you to identify depression and anxiety triggers or symptoms quickly. A mood tracker that is filled with a lot of sad days could mean that there are issues you need to resolve. Likewise, anger or feelings ofRead More →