October Falling Leaves Bullet Journal Theme

Bullet Journal Autumn Theme With Falling Leaves - October 2019 Bullet Journal Fall Theme
I love October, the heat is finally breaking, the leaves are changing, Halloween is near, and it’s the beginning of the holiday season. This month is a month of rejuvenation for me as I am focusing heavily on self care. I am shedding my old leaves and preparing for winter. This month’s theme is a simple and fun way to embrace and celebrate Autumn. The falling leaves are easy to create and bring some of my favorite colors into one beautiful setup. Before we get started here is a list of my recommended supplies for your October Bullet Journal.  Recommended Products

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

October Bullet Journal Falling Leaves Theme

I went through many different theme options for my October bullet journal theme before finally choosing the falling leaves. I considered doing pumpkins, Harry Potter, haunted houses, and so much more. October is one of my favorite months but leading up to this month had been a bit hectic which caused me to be a bit short on time. I decided to go with a simple theme like falling leaves for this month. October Falling Colorful Leaves Bullet Journal Monthly Setup It was easy to create and I was able to plan out my entire October layout in just a few hours. Not much changed as far as my spreads from last month. Last month the spreads worked so well for me. This month I hope to do a bit more journaling after the weekly spreads. This journaling provides a lot of inspiration for blog posts and emails and last month I didn’t do much of it. Let’s take a look at the spreads that I use and how I adapted them for the falling leaves fall theme.

October Cover Page

My cover page is similar to my last two, but instead of dots or falling stars, I replaced those with colorful autumn leaves. In an effort to really get into the upcoming holiday season I wanted to do something simple but cheerful. October Cover Page - Falling Handdrawn Colorful Leaves This also allowed me to use my Crayola Super Tips again, it’s been a while since I’ve used them because I’ve been absolutely in love with the MildLiner Highlighters. I did use these fine point pens to outline my leaves and make them stand out a bit more.

October Monthly Page

My monthly page setup remains the same and allows me to track all of my monthly projects and goals with ease. This is a great way to make sure you are working towards projects and goals throughout the month. October Bullet Journal Monthly Page with colorful falling leaves My events section is a bit bare this month as we don’t have a lot of plans. We are forcing ourselves to take things easy. For work, I am mainly working up updating posts, updating products, and planning out 2020 for my business. I’m also taking this time to learn new ways to market my blogs and listening to a few of my favorite podcasts. As always I absolutely have to have a brain dump on my monthly page. I don’t always use it but I like to have it available to me in case I do need it.

October Gratitude Spread

My gratitude log this month incorporated the falling leaves. As always I find a gratitude log really helps me to focus on the things I am grateful for in my life. October Gratitude Spread for Bullet Journal with colorful leaves hand drawn When I’m having a rough day with anxiety or depression the gratitude spread forces me to find the good. This can go a long way in helping to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. In doing your own gratitude log it’s important to remember that you can be grateful for the same thing. I often write down how grateful I am for my husband – or my son. Though I do recommend getting specific for why you are grateful for one specific person. Ask yourself how they helped you? What did they do specifically that made you grateful for them? Later you will thank yourself for the extra good memories of exactly how this person is good for you.

October Bullet Journal Focus Page

Last month my focus page really helped me to get on track with my goals for my business. I am using the focus page again though I will be using it a bit differently since I’m focusing on different things. October Monthly Focus Page For Goal Planning My goals for this month are less about growth and more about improving my blogs themselves. I have specific tasks that I want to complete this month as opposed to a goal and a plan to try to reach that goal. A focus page can be used in many different ways. You can use it to improve your self-care, help you to focus on health, get into new habits, or just finish up projects at work. I recommend a focus page for anyone who is trying to reach goals or trying to improve their life.

October Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads

Last month’s weekly layout worked so well for me that there were zero questionings in how I would set up my weekly spreads this month. It’s just a simple set up and keeps my daily task list to an easily doable amount. October Weekly Spread with Orange Accents The “To Buy” section was a huge help in remembering the things I need to purchase so that I don’t have repeated delivery charges. When you decide to live without a car in a city environment you basically depend on deliveries. This was a big downfall for the first several weeks until I started using a To Buy list to keep track of all those must have items I needed. My weekly to do list is a fantastic addition to making sure I stay on track to reach my goals each week. The ideas is like a mini brain dump each week for things I want to explore during the week. The remember list is a great way to keep my ADHD brain on track with things I need to remember to add to the following week or things I need to do. While I miss the daily spreads for the journaling aspect with a more steady schedule the weekly spreads help me to stay on track for completing my tasks. I can plan out my day the night before, add to it the morning of, and know that I will complete all my tasks because I’m not overbooking myself.


Like I previously mentioned I miss the journaling aspect of the daily spreads. It helps me to remember all the fun things, work through emotional lows, and help to inspire me for new content. This month I plan on journaling more by using a few pages after all of my weekly spreads. These will be more like diary entries with just the date and writing down different things that happened during the day. Journaling is an important practice for my mental health as it really helps me to find triggers in my mood. If you have depression or anxiety I recommend starting a journal of your own. Understanding your triggers can help in healing.

Plans For October

October is a month for learning, improving my mind set, and updating my blogs. There won’t be a lot of posts this month, though you may see updates in older content. I’ll post those updates to Instagram so make sure you are following me there. For the past 4 years, I’ve worked like crazy and my mind and body are exhausted. This month is about doing small things and making small improvements while also giving my brain and body a chance to relax a bit. Recommended Products

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

This month the focus is heavy on self care so I’m calling it Self Caretober. If you want to join me in self care, leave me a comment below with how you will take care of yourself this month. Make sure you follow me on Pinterest and pin this to your favorite bullet journal boards too. Related Posts:  
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  1. Author

    You are amazing and creative with everything you do!! Thank you for sharing you ideas!! All of them inspired me to make an amazing (not better than yours) bullet journal! Again, thank you!!

    1. Thank-you so much. Art isn’t competition it’s just something we love to do. I’m positive there are things that are better in your bullet journal. Keep Journaling.

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