Tea Time Theme – November 2019 Bullet Journal Layout

It’s the second to last month in the decade and I’m excited! This month’s tea time theme is courtesy of recent binged shows and the relaxing nature of tea. As I jump into plans for the next decade, this month is jam packed with to do’s that need to get done. So I’ve switched it up my bullet journal a bit from the last two months.

There are new spread layouts and a few favorites and they are all themed for afternoon tea time.

The products I used to create my tea time theme this month are:

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

Tea Time Bullet Journal Theme

In October I finally sat down and binge watched Downton Abbey and I found myself suddenly obsessed with afternoon tea. Luckily for me, I have some friends in the UK who were able to answer all my questions about the different tea times.

With it getting colder these days I am making a cup of tea every day in the afternoon. It’s replacing my nasty soda habit and giving me an afternoon pick me up.

With this new obsession with tea I decided to bring it into my bullet journal for November. I added tea cups, scones, and colorful macarons to decorate my spreads this month.

While I have a background in painting, drawing is not something I feel I’m great at so I was a bit nervous to do this theme. While I’m not super happy with the way my scones turned out I do like most of the coffee cups and macarons.

November Cover Pages

I decided this month to go ahead and do a different type of cover page. This mainly came about because I was doing a two page monthly spread instead of a one page monthly spread like I normally do.

Combined tea bag with quote and November Cover page with hand drawn teacups

I start off this month with a quote that I felt fit my theme pretty well. “Life is like a cup of tea … it’s all in how you make it.” It’s a great quote to remind me that life is how I make it and I can choose what type of life I want.

Bullet Journal Quote Page - Hand drawn tea bag with quote Life is like a cup of tea ... it's all in how you make it

My personal mindset has been one focused on building a life I love. I have goals and dreams that I want to achieve and make a reality. Bringing that into my daily life in my bullet journal is a great reminder to keep working towards them.

The November cover page is a simple three tea cups stacked on top of each other. I used the Mildliner highlighters to color in the page and the Micron Fineliners to outline and write out November. I finished off the cups using the Uni-Ball Signo White gel pens for the light reflection on the cups.

Bullet Journal Cover Page - Hand lettered November with hand drawn tea cups

This pen is a new favorite of mine for the Scribbles that Matter journals. The ink takes a while to dry so make sure your patient when you use it. However, I messed up my dates on one of my weekly spreads and this pen actually covered it easily and without it looking like I used white out. It was easy to write the correct dates over it too.

This was a simple introduction into my theme for the month and I’m really happy with the way these two pages turned out.

November Monthly Setup

I have a lot of things to get done this month so I knew I would need more room in my monthly spread. I decided to give this spread two pages this month so I could more easily track everything I needed to do.

November 2019 Calendar in bullet journal and monthly spread decorated with hand drawn teacups, scones, and macarons

The November calendar was easy and features a cup of tea and scones. Each of the squares in the monthly planner are 3×3 and it works perfectly if I wanted to add stickers or small doodles to represent holidays or events.

Hand drawn November 2019 calendar with hand drawn teacups, scones, and macarons

I left an events section at the bottom of this spread to fill in plans for the month in more detail.

The monthly spread consists of a To Do List, Projects, and Goals. As I prepare for some major changes in my business for next month and next year I have a lot of things to accomplish.

Monthly spread with hand drawn sections for to do list, projects, and goals, with hand drawn teacup and macarons

I knew I would have a to do list a mile long and since I won’t be able to finish everything in just a few days I needed a place to keep a master. Now throughout the month I can check each week to make sure I’m finishing that to do list and working towards reaching my big goal or finishing a project.

Gratitude Log

As always I have my gratitude log. Gratitude plays a huge role in my daily life. I have anxiety and depression so having a gratitude spread helps me deal with these issues in a productive way.

I am forced to find something to be grateful for in each and every day and this helps to improve my mood.

Bullet journal gratitude log spread with hand drawn macarons and teabag

Focusing on and showing gratefulness has been proven to make people happier. Finding something to be grateful for or turning a negative experience into a positive experience daily is a great way to improve your mood.

If you haven’t already started a gratitude log in your journal I challenge you to start one this month. Every day write down something you are grateful for.

Habit Tracker

For the past two months I haven’t had a habit tracker and I’ve missed it. All of the habits that I’ve tried to implement in the past are gone and I’m worse at continuing good habits without the tracker.

Through most of October I was drinking soda at least 4-5 times a week. This is a big no no as I’m trying to improve my health. Soda is such a treat but I realize that amount of sugar in my daily diet is not good.

Bullet journal habit tracker with hand drawn teacup and teabag

I noticed that I wasn’t reading nearly as much as I used to when I tracked before. Plus other bad habits were coming into play too, like not staying on top of my kitchen and pushing off the dirty dishes to the next day.

So this month I am getting back on track with all of my habits and making sure that I do what needs to be done. I am tracking what I do and staying on track through the month of November again.

I am reading for at least an hour every single day. I am writing every single day. I am not going to drink soda. I am posting to one of my Instagram accounts every single day or at least close to it. I am going to get active. Finally, I am going to get in my kitchen and load and unload my dishwasher every single day.

November Weekly Spreads

My weekly spreads changed a bit from the last two months. I condensed down from four sections of tracking to just two. I also used the Crayola Super Tips to color in my macarons because I wanted them to be brightly colored.

November Week 1 Spread with weekly planner, to do list, and remember sections, hand drawn macarons and teacup

I have my weekly to-do lists and a remember box for my shopping. When we moved to Pittsburgh we got rid of our car due to public transportation being more widely available, both of us working from home, and everything being deliverable. This means I keep track of things that we are running out of so that I can purchase what we need for delivery more often.

November Week 2 weekly bullet journal spread with hand drawn teacup and tea bag

I like to keep these spreads easy and a bit minimalist because it keeps me from straying from the tasks I need to complete. This month I added little doodles in the bottom corners to add some colorful aspects to the spreads. I also have a mini calendar just so I can stay on track with my dates.

November Week 3 Bullet Journal weekly spread with hand drawn teabag and scone

I’m also using my journal to prevent me from working on the weekends. For the longest time I’ve spent 7 days a week working on my business and it’s actually been unhealthy mentally for me. It also was ruining my productivity because every day was just another work day.

November Week 4 Bullet Journal weekly spread with hand drawn macaron and tea bag

Combining saturday and sunday into one box reminds me to not schedule work for those days and to only schedule events that are fun. Reclaiming my weekends has been extremely helpful to boosting my productivity through the week and getting in much needed family quality time.

Bullet Journal Addict News

There are changes happening in the world of Bullet Journal Addict and a lot of it will come to light next month.

Bullet Journal Addict will be going through a redesign. It will be easier to find what you are looking for here and a lot more tips and tricks will be included. What was once a hobby blog is now going to look more professional so I can better help you.

Final Thoughts

I’m closing out the year and the decade on a high and pushing myself to have more success in the first year of the next decade. It’s been a whirlwind the past 5 years and I’m excited to see where things go.

I’m grateful for finding bullet journaling and using it to help me stay on top of everything. I look forward to sharing my love of creating art with all of you and helping you to practice and improve your art too.

Again, the products I used to create my tea time theme this month are:

From time to time the Scribbles that Matter Journal is sold out on Amazon. When this happens third party sellers will try to sell the journal for an insane amount of money. DO NOT BUY THAT! Scribbles that Matter should be back in stock soon. My second favorite journal is the Essentials Dot Matrix, though I warn you the pages on this one are thinner and bleeding and shadows show up on opposite sides. However, it's a decent cheap journal if you are in a pinch and just want to get started.

Are you excited to see a YouTube channel? What are the things you really want to learn about art? Let me know in the comments below. Follow me on Pinterest for more like this and be sure to pin this to your favorite bullet journal boards.

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Tea Theme Bullet Journal Layout Tea Theme Bullet Journal Layout Tea Theme Bullet Journal Layout

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